The Queen Anne Community Council (QACC) is a volunteer organization of those who live, work, own property or run businesses in Queen Anne. Our purpose is to advocate for the people of Queen Anne by listening, engaging, and communicating within the community and beyond. Here's what's happening:
Upcoming Meeting
Wednesday, April 2nd @ 7PM Via Zoom*
Preparedness: neighborhood safety, emergencies and more - join the QACC Community Engagement Committee's conversation
*If you are signed up for QACC updates, you will get the Zoom link beforehand by email – sign up is also available here or email for the Zoom link.
Past Meetings
Wednesday, March 5th @ 7pm QACC IN PERSON Meeting
Councilmember Bob Kettle will join us for our March meeting at Aegis Living Queen Anne Rodgers Park, 2900 3rd Ave W.
UPDATE - WE ARE FULLY BOOKED FOR THE MARCH 5TH EVENT! If you wanted to attend but could not grab a spot, email us at and stay tuned for a virtual event we hope to host with CM Kettle.
Street parking is subject to availability so consider parking at the Cascade Parent Partnership school (2919 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119) and allow plenty of time to make your way into Aegis. QACC Board members will be on hand to direct you.
What’s on the agenda? Certainly, the 2025 One Seattle Plan but we’re flipping the script. Many of you have submitted comments on the Plan to the OPCD, to CM Kettle and other city officials and now it’s time to hear from CM Kettle as to next steps and priorities based on the extensive community input to date. We also expect to hear from CM Kettle on other areas of community concern – please embrace this opportunity to help build the agenda by submitting questions and ideas in advance using this LINK or by email to
Monday, Feb 3rd Zoom QACC & Parks Committee Meeting - Join us for a practical, fact-based presentation and Q&A session hosted by urban coyote experts. Who are the go-to resources in this area and what role do the different stakeholders play? How can we mitigate risks and ensure safe coexistence? How are potential escalating risks evaluated and mitigated? Join us for a panel discussion with:
Kevin O’Connor: Wildlife Conflict Specialist, Region 4 – King and Snohomish Counties, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Katie Remine (she/her): WOODLAND PARK ZOO, Living Northwest Conservation Manager
Dr. Sam Kreling: Prugh Lab University of Washington
A representative from USDA Wildlife Services along with Chris Anderson, District Wildlife Biologist, D12 King County, WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife will also be on hand to field questions.
One Seattle Plan - Draft maps have now been released for the One Seattle Plan, which, once finalized, will be the roadmap for where and how our city will grow and invest in communities over the next 20 years and beyond. View the proposed zoning changes HERE. We devoted our Dec 4th in-person meeting to the Plan and collected comments, though we continue to encourage everyone to submit comments directly to OPCD and City Council.
City Council public hearing/comment on Feb 5th @ 5pm - details.
A summary of proposed changes that would impact Queen Anne can be reviewed HERE.
Based on our December QACC 4th public meeting (which over 100 people attended) and other community feedback on the One Seattle Plan, the QACC submitted the following to the city:
Document 1- Compilation of unedited comments we received from our neighbors. We continue to receive comments and encourage everyone to also submit their views directly to the Council and OPCD.
Document 2 - QACC amplification of community-points and issues raised.
Fill out the form below to be added to our newsletter and meeting distribution list.
Find the Committee meeting schedule and SignUp links on the Meetings Page
Support the Queen Anne Community Council. Donate HERE! And, THANK YOU!
Questions? Email us at
Queen Anne Community Council
A neighborhood advocacy group providing a connection point for information to and from our community